WASCAL Academia Repository

Browsing Climate Change Economics by Subject "adaptation"

Browsing Climate Change Economics by Subject "adaptation"

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  • Mikemina, Pilo (Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 2015-11)
    Aims: The Savanes region of Togo is characterized by frequent droughts and floods which adversely affect farming, the primary source of livelihood for majority of households in the region. Given the rapidly changing climate, ...
  • Zannou, A.; Bonou, A.; Babadankpodji, P.; Zanou, M.A.M.; Saccramento, J. S.; Biaou, G. (Annales des Sciences Agronomiques, 2020)
    This research investigated rice farmers’ adaptation strategies to climate change in two rice production zones in Benin, Malanville in the extreme North zone and Glazoué in the Centre zone of the country, basing on a ...
  • Mikémina, Pilo; Gerber, Nicolas; Wünscher, Tobias (Center for Development Research, 2018)
    West African farmers are among those most likely to suffer from climate change, partly due to the agro-climatic characteristics of the regional system and to their limited scope for coping with shocks. Climate change ...

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