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Simulating the Impacts of Tree, C3, and C4 Plant Functional Types on the Future Climate of West Africa

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dc.contributor.author Olusegun, Christiana Funmilola
dc.contributor.author Oguntunde, Philip G.
dc.contributor.author Gbobaniyi, Emiola O.
dc.date.accessioned 2023-01-30T10:57:33Z
dc.date.available 2023-01-30T10:57:33Z
dc.date.issued 2018-05
dc.identifier.other doi:10.3390/cli6020035
dc.description Research Article en_US
dc.description.abstract This study investigates the future climatic impacts of different percentages of trees/shrubs, C4 and C3 plant functional types (PFTs) over theWest Africa region. The ratio of co-existence among the different PFTs was done as a representation of agri-silviculture practices over the region. Nine sensitivity experiments of different percentages of trees/shrubs, and C4 and C3 PFTswere carried outwith a regional climate model (RegCM4) driven by Global ClimateModel (HADGEM2-ES) outputs. These experiments were carried out along the Guinea Savana zone of West Africa using both prescribed and dynamic vegetation options of the model. The model simulated the seasonal evolution of precipitation and temperature fields quite well, with correlations greater than 0.8, but exhibited cold and wet biases of about 1–2 C and 1–4 mm/day, respectively. Widespread warming (1–3 C) and drying (1–2 mm/day) is projected in the near future across most parts ofWest Africa all year round. TheWest African future climate change associated with the different percentages of trees/shrubs, and C4 and C3 PFTs varied with the vegetation state (prescribed or dynamic) and model domain sizes. The prescribed vegetation experiments induced cooling of about 0.5–2 C in most areas along the designated agri-silviculture zone, except Liberia and Sierra Leone. Similarly, enhanced precipitation occurred over most parts of Ghana and coastal parts of Nigeria (0.5–3 mm/day). On the other hand, the dynamic vegetation option did not exhibit pronounced changes in temperature and precipitation, except with a larger domain size. This study suggests the implementation of agri-silviculture as a mitigation and adaptation land-use practice acrossWest Africa if drought-tolerant crops and the deciduous trees are adopted. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MDPI en_US
dc.subject agri-silviculture en_US
dc.subject mitigation and adaptation en_US
dc.subject future climate en_US
dc.subject regional climate model en_US
dc.subject West Africa en_US
dc.subject plant functional types en_US
dc.title Simulating the Impacts of Tree, C3, and C4 Plant Functional Types on the Future Climate of West Africa en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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